Friday, January 1, 2016

Polar Dash 5K

Today I did the Polar Dash 5K to start 2016 off right!  I finished in just under 38 minutes!

I am so proud of my time!  I walked less than five minutes of that, the rest I jogged.  The first mile and a half straight I was able to jog.  By my next 5K in February I think I'll be able to jog the entire time.

It was a nice race and for sure one I would do again.  Maybe next year I'll sign up for their 10K.  It was however a very cold race and the Polar Dash name was very fitting.

I've concluded I am not a very photogenic runner, but I'm just excited I'm able to run now.

I am also super excited I earned my first Medal!  It's a pretty spiffy one too.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS on your 5k! You are gonna rock it in February! You should totally go for the 10k! You can do it!

  2. Congrats! How awesome is that! And your time was great! I am however...SOOOOO jealous of your medal. I've run a handful of 5k's and 10k's and I've never managed to run any that offers a finishers medal. (I've been robbed!!!!!!)

  3. Thanks :) When looking for a January 1st race I specifically looked for one with a medal because I thought it would be the only way to convince me to run in the snow. It turned out to be rather warm for January at 20 degrees with no snow, but I doubt I'll be that lucky in February. There is a finishers medal for my February one too ;)

  4. I saw you on Katie's blog today and came and found your blog. I'm excited about following your progress.
