Friday, June 26, 2015

19 Days into the Whole 30

I am feeling very happy and positive about getting my life back in order.  The scale is moving in the right direction and I am thrilled!  The sugar cravings aren't as bad, although bread, cheese and chocolate do sound pretty dang good ;)  When the whole 30 is over I plan to add back into my diet brown rice, corn and beans while holding off on the bread, cheese and chocolate for awhile.  I know those three foods are ones that I have trouble controlling portions of so will try to wait a bit for those.  Overall I think I have done really well with the Whole 30 and in the future if I feel like if I am having issues with sugar again it will be something I think I'll revisit.

It has been rainy and yucky this past week or so but I am trying not to let it interfere with my exercise goals.  I have continued to attend Aqua Zumba twice a week and am proud that even when it is cold and dreary I am one of the three people that still show up!  Aqua Zumba is actually sorta fun so I might try regular Zumba when Summer end.  Also I hope by next summer I have enough confidence to start swimming laps.  I do love to be in a pool.

I have started working towards my Couch to 5K goal.  I have an app on my phone that tells me when to start running or walking.  My daughter has been helping me by also cheering "run, mommy, run" from her stroller.  She cracks me up, but it actually helps motivate me for her to be so excited :)  We have taken two different dogs with us so far, the first one kept barking and the second one couldn't even keep up with me.  My mom has a lot of dogs to choose from so hopefully I will find the right match for a walking/jogging partner.

I am starting to really be able to tell that I have been loosing weight.  I was walking up the stairs the other day with my brother behind me and my pants just fell right down, lol.  None of my pants will stay up now.  Even my shirts have gotten a bit baggier!  So I made a trip to Goodwill and found a pair of jeans a size smaller and they fit!  I have never shopped for clothes secondhand before but since I plan to only wear these next sizes for a short time I don't want to invest in much clothing.  I hope in another month or two I will need the next size down :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

14 Days into the Whole 30

I am nearly halfway through the Whole 30.  I am pretty impressed I have made it this far because the first week was killer!  Started with horrible headaches and nausea for nearly a week while I was detoxing from all the sugar, now I am just really tired :/  Everything I have read says I'll start to get my energy back soon plus even more energy, so I am hoping that is true.  On a great note since starting the whole 30 I have lost 18 pounds for a total of 23 pounds lost!  Yay!

One of the hardest parts about making this lifestyle change is teaching myself how to cook.  I have never been a great cook anyways, but learning how to cook healthy without cheese, milk or bread is even more difficult to figure out.  I am trying though and pretty soon I will hopefully know how to make lots of yummy healthy food!

Tried making sweet potato fries, I found I am not a huge fan of sweet potatoes, but my little brother ate what I didn't so I guess I didn't do a bad job making them ;)

In the exercise department I have been going to Aqua Zumba twice a week other than this past week where lighting decided the outdoor class at the pool just wasn't happening.  Next I am going to start walking and teach myself how to jog!  There is an indoor public track so on rainy days I won't have an excuse to not do something.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Tomorrow is Day 1

I am doing Whole 30 starting tomorrow!  Today I spent a couple hours preparing my food for the week.  I roasted veggies for the first time in my life, they are actually pretty good.  I also made 7 decent sized salads with extra veggies chopped up in them and 7 chicken breasts.  It may sound weird to eat the same thing for 7 days in a row, but I know by having at least 2 meals a day I can simply grab out of the fridge it will make the next 30 days much more doable.  Hopefully once I get in the habit I'll plan and prepare my meals long after these 30 days are up :)  I had an adorable helper today as I am sure to have every week.  Here she is eating Cauliflower like an apple.

When I went grocery shopping I picked up a couple salad dressings with no preservatives, sugar or anything else I didn't want in it.  Along with a couple snack bars which have ingredients that sound yucky to me like Dates, but I am sure if I am hungry enough and I'll end up trying one.  My plan is to make a fruit and greens smoothie for breakfast each day.  I am determined I'll be successful the next 30 days, I am just curious as to how the prepared food will be by day 7.  I might end up needed to prep like 3 or 4 days at a time, we will see!

This past Thursday I attended the first Aqua Zumba of the season.  I am very proud of me for taking the first step!  I was nervous to go, but it turned out to be a lot of fun and quite a workout.  I'll be there(weather permitting) every Monday and Thursday night for the summer :)

 Yesterdays weight, hopefully that starts to change now that I am completely focused.